Every week
The Dreamstress posts a new garment (not always a dress) on her blog, and invites readers to rate the dress on a scale of 1-10. Some are generally agreed to be wonderful, some are generally agreed to be hideous, some provoke wildly differing opinions, and a few (very few) are considered almost too boring to talk about.
What made
this week's entry different for me was that I've actually seen it! It was in the
Beauty in Exile exhibition which I saw in Venice a couple of years ago. So here are a few more photographs of it, starting with a not very good (unfortunately the dress was in a glass case) close-up of the beading on the skirt.
Skirt detail |
Bodice front close-up |
Another view of the side decoration |
Beading on the sleeve |
Oh what fun to be able to say, "I saw that dress in person!" It is quite lovely and ohmygosh all that beading!!