
Sunday 13 October 2024

Short and sweet

Just a brief post this week, to demonstrate that despite decades of dressmaking experience I am still 1) capable of doing something really dumb and 2) bad at estimating.

Wearing my official 'going for a jab' outfit* with my Express Line cardigan last week prompted me to think that I could do with a few more separates. In my stash I have a few skirt lengths which were part of a lot of sewing stuff which I bought at auction, so I decided to make one of them up. It's a lovely vintage fabric, pure wool I think, in a brown and black check.

The skirt fabric

I used my self-drafted straight skirt pattern. I had used this pattern for my black skirt, which is now a little snug, so when cutting out I added some extra width to make the new skirt looser. Then, in what can only be described as a brain fart**, when sewing the pieces together I narrowed the seam allowances to make the new skirt looser. It was only when I tried on what was, by then, a remarkably roomy skirt that I realised what I'd done!

Fortunately I had made the skirt with an internal curved petersham waistband, not a sewn on waistband. Also, I hadn't added the lining by the time the Awful Truth dawned, so it was reasonably straightforward to unpick the petersham and redo the side seams of both the skirt and the lining. Despite this extra work I still thought, last night, that today I could finish the skirt and take photos before it got too dark to do the latter.

Reader, I could not. Somehow I always forget just how slowly I sew. So the big reveal of a not-very-exciting project will have to wait until next week!

* - I went for my covid and flu boosters this week, and wore it again. The combination of skirt, sleeveless top, and cardigan is perfect for the job.

** - Having done some research on brain farts before using the term (academic habits die hard!), I’m slightly mollified to discover that I may have made this error because of my decades of dressmaking experience rather than despite them.

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